Cadbury went for his annual checkup today and they found a small lump on his belly. It's hard, oval-shaped, and about the size of the tip of my little finger. The doc wasn't able to get a good cell sample with a needle biopsy, so we're going to have it removed in a couple of weeks. Since the lump has very clearly defined edges, it should be no problem to remove.
Poor little guy. At least he's easy to put in a carrier and well-behaved for the vet. Not all bunnies are.
Who says I'm lumpy? I'm not lumpy!
Cadbury I will be thinking good thoughts for you. This ole lump is probably nothing. Ask mom for an extra treat, that always makes everything better.
Nose bumps to you.
We sure hope it will all be ok... and Cadbury... demand some cranberries for your good behaviour!
I hope all is completely well for Cadbury very soon. & you are right, dear bunny, you are not lumpy!
Sage is ALWAYS a perfect angel for the vet. ("You habs to be, he could find a LARGER thermometer!") Getting her in the carrier however..
She considers it her contributation to getting me in shape, I'm sure. ("Mum can always use da PT.")
oh Cadbury, I'll be thinking of you, hope all goes well at the vet...
Oh, no, Cadbury!
Take care of him, Ann. I'm sending good vibes your way.
Poor lumpy bunny! And poor mom of lumpy bunny! Best wishes from the whole gang.
Cadbury, good for you for being so well-behaved. I'm sure everything will be fine.
You don't look lumpy to me!
We will be thinking of you! Be a good bunny and you'll get lots of treats :)
We hope it is just a lump, you don't look lumpy Cadbury.
Oh, dear. Hope the little lump is nothing.
Let us know the results, 'kay?
Extra treat time, Cadbury!!
Hang in there Cadbury!! I'm sure you'll be fine! Just remember to thump at the vet and beg for extra craisins when its over:)
Best of luck and best wishes to Cadbury, we know it'll be ok!
thinking good thoughts for Cadbury, sending a warm back massage :)
(by any chance did he swallow one of his handsome black spots?)
Good luck Cadbury! I am sure it is just an encapsulated bit, it happens with buns at times. Mimi, the bunny I had when I was in Germany, had one on the back that was the size of a haricot bean. The vet, who wasn't very bunny savvy, wanted to operate, but the "lump" never grew or bothered him, so we did not operate. And no, Cadbury doesn't look lumpy at all. x
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