The sometimes-daily journal of a lapsed triathlete and bunny owner.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Monday Bunday: Raccoons
We have new wildlife around here - a raccoon, or possibly more than one, living in our studio. We're working on finding someone to humanely remove them to a safe place, and we're getting quite an education about the critters in the meantime.
With his little mask, Cadbury looks kind of like a raccoon, don't you think?
Hope you find someone soon. Raccoon can be vicious. When I was a kid a raccoon ate the leg off her pet bunny who was in a cage outside (this was back in the dark ages)......OH, yeah we think Cadbury is way cutter than a raccoon....
Annette: Racoons are omnivorous, and in the suburbs (at least where I'm from) they are known to scavenge. They're famous for getting into the trash for snacks.
Coons are cute but can be dangerous as well as carry very very deadly things in their droppings. I am sure you can find someone who will remove them and relocate them to a better place.
Oh boy get those raccoons out of there. They do carry diseases that are quite hard on rabbits.
We vote cuter for Cadbury too - heck, he is even cuter than a turtle, and especially a cat!
BL once live trapped 13 raccoons over the course of several days. Some guy would come and take them away to "relocate" them and then bring the cage back. Once we got three at a time - talk about a ruckus!!
I am a published writer of speculative fiction and comic urban fantasy. I work in a variety of formats, including flash, serialized, and novel-length stories, as well as poetry. I can be reached via email at uhamp at yahoo dot com.
Cadbury is WAY cuter than a raccoon.
Cadbury is so sweet, I can see the resemblance with a raccoon but Cadbury is cuter
so Cadbury has an admirer then ?? :)
one eats carrots, one eats ...
(are raccoons vegans??)
Bunnies and Raccoons! I love both!
I hope the raccoon issue gets sorted out soon. And Cadbury is much better looking than any wild bandit.
Hope you find someone soon. Raccoon can be vicious. When I was a kid a raccoon ate the leg off her pet bunny who was in a cage outside (this was back in the dark ages)......OH, yeah we think Cadbury is way cutter than a raccoon....
Cadbury is cuter, lacking the pointy snout.
Annette: Racoons are omnivorous, and in the suburbs (at least where I'm from) they are known to scavenge. They're famous for getting into the trash for snacks.
Coons are cute but can be dangerous as well as carry very very deadly things in their droppings. I am sure you can find someone who will remove them and relocate them to a better place.
Oh boy get those raccoons out of there. They do carry diseases that are quite hard on rabbits.
We vote cuter for Cadbury too - heck, he is even cuter than a turtle, and especially a cat!
BL once live trapped 13 raccoons over the course of several days. Some guy would come and take them away to "relocate" them and then bring the cage back. Once we got three at a time - talk about a ruckus!!
Hope you get the racoon(s) relocated safely.
Cadbury does resemble a racoon, but is far cuter.
And I'm sure Cadbury smells much sweeter than the racoons too!
We've had raccoons traveling through, but they've never decided to stay.
Cadbury is way cuter!
I definitely vote WAY cuter than a raccoon. A BABY raccoon however may cause a tie.
Good luck with the raccoons! :) And I agree, Cadbury is cuter. Give him a big snuggle from me!
Cadbury is definitely cuter than a raccoon but can he zip open a tent while humans are sleeping inside of it and steal one said human's underpants?
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