Saturday, February 07, 2009

Saturday Check-In

Things have been pretty much the same here lately. I've been writing a lot of short fiction for the Maelstrom site, which takes up most of my writing time, leaving little time for blogging. Sorry about that.

I went for a run along the Brays Bayou trails this morning, and it went okay in spite of the lingering effects of some breathing trouble I had yesterday due to the high tree pollen count. It wasn't one of my better runs, but I enjoyed the route, and after how I felt yesterday, I was glad to be running at all.

A lot of people were out this morning, especially cyclists. We're having spring-like weather and everyone seems eager to enjoy it. The bayou was full of birds, gardens are full of new green leaves, and I saw my first butterfly of the season. Right now the squirrels and birds are having a go of it outside the window of my study. I have no idea what they're fighting about, but it sounds important!

I'm doing a second round of edits on the Maelstrom novel and I've designed a first-chapter chapbook that I'm going to get some pricing on. Ideally I'd like to be able to give it away for free as a promo item. In the meantime, my plan to make the first chapter available on the web is going forward and I'm looking at February 23 as the date for that. I'll have my new artwork by then, and by going with a later date than I originally planned, I won't be competing with the winner of my Win a Date with Bo Contest.

In critter news, Cadbury has made no recent escape attempts or steeplechase leaps over the barricade and Pixel is enjoying the warmer days by finding sunny spots in the window once again. It's so interesting to watch the way animals make small changes in their habits. It doesn't look like they change much, but they do! I wonder if they think the same thing about us?

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