Thursday, February 16, 2006

Heavy Breathing

Well, I've been keeping quiet for several days, trying not to admit it, but here goes…

I think I'm coming down with something.

What at first seemed like asthma has proven remarkably persistent. That's not typical for this time of year. Spring and early fall, sure. But February? I've also been a bit headachy-- sinuses, maybe? And I've been just plain tired, to where I don't even read before I go to sleep. Not normal at all.

But my meds were still working, clearing out my lungs as if it were just asthma until today. Now it's sticking. It's nothing major, I just have a constant awareness of my lungs and a small shortness of breath and occasional cough.

Nope, not asthma.

And since my boss was just out for two weeks with pneumonia, I'm more than a little worried.

So I'm taking care of myself this evening, see how things go. If my lungs feel the same way later tonight and/or in the morning, I'll call in sick to work and go see the doc, even if the rest of my body feels okay. There's something nasty going around and I want no part of it.

Recent Workouts
Monday: 20 minute core, 45 minute spin - Spinervals Suffer-O-Rama
Tuesday: Rest - I was really dragging
Wednesday: 30 minute elliptical

1 comment:

Nancy Toby said...

Uh oh! Sending good healthy vibes your way!!!