Friday, December 24, 2004

Let it snow!

It's snowing tonight! We get snow maybe once or twice a decade here and never on Christmas Eve. We're much more likely to be wearing shorts, but not this year!

We've had flurries all day. At first it was just tiny little ice crystals. Nothing to get too exicted about, although one landed on the lapel of my coat in the exact shape of a star. Cool. But tonight we started getting actual flakes. I haven't seen any bigger than dime-size, but it's still pretty impressive to see them swirling around against the dark of the night sky. Dan and I went up to the park and walked around in it for nearly an hour. The wind was blowing the snow into our faces and it was accumulating in the folds of our clothes. By the time we got back to the car, the trees, grass and tops of cars were turning white. With what we scraped off our car we had enough snow to make a tiny snowman. I put it where maybe a passing runner will see him.

When you so rarely get snow, it really is a magical thing.

After we got home we heated up some homemade tamales Dan got from his aunt. They were delicious and perfect for a cold winter day. Not to mention that I was starving. Later tonight we'll open our presents from each other and from Dan's family. Tidbit will open her present. Pixel will ignore his. And tomorrow we'll go out to my parents' house for turkey dinner and more gifts.

I won't be running in the morning. The roads are wet from the snow and will be icy by morning. So I guess I'll stay in and do some Spinervals. I'm now thinking I'll do my long run early in the week when the weather warms up a bit. I really do want to get in something in the 23 mile range before tapering. It's nice to have the whole week off so I'm not locked into doing my long run on any particular day.

Today's Workouts
Technically, none. But I walked to two different drug stores looking for colored tissue paper after Dan used the last of mine. (Bad planning, Dan!) So that turned out to be about 4-5 miles. And then we walked 3 miles at the park tonight. Not bad for a day when I didn't work out. And wrapping all the gifts (it took hours!) surely counts for something, right?

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