Friday, August 03, 2007

My House - First Things

Busy, busy week! But in spite of all the late hours and hassles, I was able to get some things done for next weekend’s move. On Thursday my dad and brother came to my office around lunchtime and we went and saw the house. My father liked it a lot and that made me happy. He’s not good at faking enthusiasm, so I could tell from the way he gushed over it that he was in love.

And so are Dan and I.

Today I took a mid-day break to do a little shopping for the house, since there just wasn’t any other time to do it and our PeopleSoft servers were down anyway, limiting my effectiveness at the office. I bought rugs, blinds, a new shower curtain, a floor lamp and other things, then after I finished up my day at the office, I met Dan at the house. We had a great time putting things in place. Even with just a few rugs and small items, it felt like home. I was ready to go back to the apartment, throw everything into boxes and finish the move right then and there!

But of course that wasn’t possible. A cleaning service is going to give the place a thorough scrub-down next week, the evil bastards from Comcast will get us set up with internet access on Thursday, and our furniture will be moved in on Friday.

And that should do it! I’d like to have everything at the new place Friday and not have to return on Saturday for any stray stuff. My experience is that it’s just a lot easier to do a move that way—everything at once and be done with it.

With the new place feeling so right and so much like home already, I hope for this to be my final move, ever. For me, this is just that kind of house and that kind of community.

In other news, I saw my dad's Spain pictures last weekend and as soon as I have time to transfer them from the laptop to the desktop, I'll post a few. He had a fabulous time, and I'm so happy to see him doing fun things for himself, finally. He's always worked hard and lived frugally. He's earned the privilege of living a few dreams!


LauraHinNJ said...

Best wishes to you both as you make the move!

Looking forward to those Spain pics.

Unknown said...

So glad you are loving the new house!